miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

INGLES- Braido. Clase 5: 1ro3ra y 1ro4ta


1. VOCABULARY: look up words in a dictionary and complete. 
(En la actividad 1 vamos a repasar el vocabulario visto hasta ahora. 
Van a tener que usar un diccionario o google traductor)

          a. Numbers: write with letters

               b. Days: fill in the correct place


               c. Months and Seasons: Complete the blanks with the right word


2. Plural Forms
(En la actividad 2 vamos a repasar como se forman los plurales en ingles)

           a. Read the grammar explanation

          We form the plural of a noun with the singular + s
          parrot – parrots      apple – apples        girl – girls

          Nouns ending with ch, x, s, sh, o ----> es
          class – classes                 brush – brushes                   box – boxes
          Nouns ending with y if a consonant is written before. ----> ies
          lolly – lollies            story – stories         strawberry – strawberries
                    but:    boy – boys  toy - toys      bay - bays
          Some nouns ending with f, fe, lf ----> ves
          knife – knives         wolf – wolves          life – lives
                    but:  chiefs, safes, cliffs, handkerchiefs

          b. Fill in the regular and irregular plural forms of the nouns

3. Present Simple verb to be
(En la actividad 3 repasamos el verbo TO BE. 
Tenemos q combinar sus formas AM-IS-ARE con el sujeto que corresponde)

          a. Read the grammar rules

  • b. Complete the following sentences with: AM / IS / ARE

1. Mary …. IS……… a good friend of mine.
2. Paul and Tom …. ARE……… my best friends.
3. The exercise ………… really difficult.
4. Rihana   …….. my favorite pop start.
5. He  ………… true.
6. I …………. a teacher.
7. We …………. very happy living in London.
8. They ………..  really nice.
9. Your parents  …………  at home today.
10. I ………….  from Buenos Aires.

          c. Read the rules: verb to be negative form

          d. Turn the sentences in B, into negative form with: AM NOT / IS NOT / ARE NOT

1. Mary …. IS NOT……… a good friend of mine.
2. Paul and Tom …. ARE NOT……… my best friends.
3. The exercise ………… really difficult.
4. Rihana   …….. my favorite pop start.
5. He  ………… true.
6. I …………. a teacher.
7. We …………. very happy living in London.
8. They ………..  really nice.
9. Your parents  …………  at home today.
10. I ………….  from Buenos Aires.

Las actividades serán explicadas mediante el grupo whatsapp.
Si aún no estan en él,  mandame mensaje al 1156479387

Besos a todes!!! 


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