viernes, 17 de abril de 2020

INGLÉS 6°1° - 6°2° Prof.Patricia Quintana - CLASSES 2 & 3 - MAIL:

TP 2&3 - Past perfect and past perfect continuous

The Day after Tomorrow – Tokyo Hailstorm (video segment)
→ ( El Dia Después de Mañana)

★Utilizamos pasado perfecto para hablar de acciones que sucedieron antes que otras en el pasado. Cuando estoy contando algo que sucedió (pasado simple) y me acuerdo de algo que habia sucedido antes (pasado perfecto).
Estructura de pasado perfecto: HAD + PARTICIPIO PASADO(3°columna del verbo, buscar en la lista)

★Estructura de pasado perfecto continuo: HAD BEEN +Verbo con ING
Utilizo pasado perfecto continuo cuando esa actividad que sucedió antes que otra en el pasado ademas tuvo cierta duración.

A.      Preparation (pueden responder en 1 sola respuesta las 3 preguntas,usando conectores: and-but-because)

-Do you like disaster movies? Why/why not?
-Why do you think disaster movies are so popular?
-Do disaster movies serve any practical purpose?

Watch the movie segment by clicking on the link below(mira el video haciendo click en el link que esta debajo⤦)

B.      Watch the segment and identify the order of the actions below. (Miren el video e identifiquen el orden en que sucedieron estas acciones, numérenlas)

People have umbrellas up.

The man walks away from the café.

A police car is driving around giving information.

The policeman is hit on the head by a hailstone.

The man puts his case on his head for protection.

A man stops at a street side cafe and drinks some tea.

The man is talking on his phone.

The café owner closes his café up.

The man’s telephone rings.

Everyone starts running around screaming.

A hailstone hits the man and he falls down.

The policeman is arguing with an old man.

A motorbike drives into a shop window.

Consider which of these actions had finished (past perfect) when the hailstorm hit and which of these actions were taking place (past perfect continuous) during the hailstorm. 

C.   Fill in the blanks with the past perfect or the past perfect continuous form of the verbs in parentheses. Consider carefully whether the first action was completed (past perfect)or taking place (past perfect continuous)when the second action happened.

1-A man _____________ (drink) tea at a street side café when his telephone rang.
2-The man __________ (already, walk) away from the café when the first hailstone hit.
3-The café owner _had closed____(close) up his café before the hailstorm.
4-The policeman ___________(argue) with a man when the hailstone hit him on the head.
5-People ______________(walk) around with umbrellas before the hailstorm hit.
6-A man _had been riding___ride) a motorbike during the hailstorm but then crashed into a shop window.
7-The man _____________(put) his case on his head for protection but still got hit.

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