viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020

INGLÉS 6°1° - 6°2° Prof.Patricia Quintana - CLASSES 8 & 9 - MAIL:


 `Remote working' means working away from a traditional office, eg at home. Do you agree or disagree with these statements about remote working? Explain why.

(Trabajo remoto significa trabajar fuera de la oficina tradicional, por ejemplo, en casa ¿Estás de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con estas afirmaciones acerca del trabajo remoto? Explica por qué.)


1. Working remotely is more productive than working in the office.

2. Most people would like to work remotely, if they could.

3. If I worked from home, I would miss my colleagues.

Reading for the main idea (Leer buscando la idea principal)


You are going to read an article about remote working. First skim-read the article quickly to get a general idea of the content and the organisation. Which of these topics is not mentioned in the article?

(Vas a leer un artículo acerca de trabajo remoto. Lee rápidamente primero para tener una idea general del contenido y organización ¿Cuál de estos temas no se menciona en este artículo?)


Benefits to workers

Benefits to employers

Negative effects

Popularity of remote working             


Types of stress

Vocabulary I


Match each word from the article with its meaning. Use the context of the article to help you _ the words are in bold in the text.

(Uní cada palabra extraída del articulo con su significado. Utiliza el contexto del artículo para ayudarte_las palabras están en negrita en el texto)

1. pitfalls                                                                                             

2. burn out                                                                  

3. millennials                                               

4. mentality                                            

5. commonplace                                     

6. tendency                                           

7. isolation                                           

8. detrimental                                    

9. outweigh                                          

10. replicate  

a. a likeliness to take action or occur the same way many times.

b. a typical attitude, or way of thinking

c. being alone or cut off from social interaction with others

d. copy, reproduce

e. frequent and not seen as unusual

f. harmful or damaging

g. have more significance or a stronger effect than another factor

h. people who were born in the 1980s-2000s

i. problems that are likely to occur in a particular situation

j. work too hard and become exhausted

Vocabulary II


Match each phrase from the article with the best meaning.

(Uní cada frase del artículo con el significado apropiado)


1. ... people’s mental health and well-being can take a hit when working remotely.


a. become complicated

b. make someone angry

c. suffer


2. ... working remotely leads to the blurring of work and non-work hours, particularly if you work from



a. asking someone to work overtime

b. a lack of a clear boundary

c. saying something without thinking


 3. Navigating sensitive territory in a virtual team is an essential skill.


a. communicating a plan clearly

b. saying and doing the right thing in a difficult situation

c. taking your team in the right direction


4. ... virtual workers can feel like a cog in a machine, rather than an essential part of the team.


a. the opposite of an individual with feelings

b. they have an important role

c. they have to work without stopping


5. ... lack of feedback from line managers and senior colleagues gave them no benchmark to judge

progress, which led to increased feelings of anxiety ...


a. support to do their job

b. sense of teamwork

c. way of measuring how well they were doing



Reflect and discuss (Para reflexionar)


Look back at the sentences you discussed in the first part of the lesson. Have you changed your mind about whether you agree or disagree with any of the statements? Explain your ideas in spanish.

Mira las afirmaciones del comienzo ¿Cambiaste de idea respecto de si estás de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con esas afirmaciones? Explicalo en un párrafo /diálogo/viñeta. Relacionalo con tu experiencia acerca de estudiar a distancia.

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